How we roll

We don't overthink it !

1. Pick a destination.

Worth checking visa requirements ahead of time (you need a US visa just to transit through a US airport, who knew?!).

2. Find a cardboard bike box and pack the bike.

Not difficult ! We'll explain how later ...

3. Pack those panniers wisely.

Less is more ("wear one, wash one") !

Part of our luggage - Charlie's panniers (above) are Carradry, a British brand. Can't fault them after many miles, rain, being thrown around, and generally abused! 👍


4. Get boxed bikes to the airport.

If car space is tight, fold the bike boxes flat and pack them at the airport. 

5. IMPORTANT - if you don't want to commit to a return flight date/location.

Be aware that your airline will refuse to check you in without "proof" of an outbound flight from your destination country.

Customs at your final destination may also want to see this.

Having a flight "reservation" (which then gets cancelled later) is a low-cost solution that has always worked well for us:-

See "" there are other companies too! 

Although we only get asked to show it about half of the time. 

6. Buy local SIM cards on arrival, to dodge extortionate roaming charges.

Google is our best friend for navigation (95% of the time!), translation, and finding accommodation. We do carry a tent, but it's for emergency use only - we're not that tough !

7. ENJOY !

One day at a time, "changing the route to suit"  according to energy levels, terrain, weather, sites of interest, local advice.....

Our daily distance on pedalling days has ranged from 9 to 99 miles, depending on the factors above.

We take a rest day or two whenever we feel the need.


Don't forget that good healthy nutrition is essential or in our case eat whatever you fancy!

You will earn it and NEED IT!!

See below!! 

The bikes 

Charlie rides a Whyte Deane (above), ordered online on a whim because he fancied trying a British brand.

Molly's machine is a Specialized Diverge (below), a second-hand bargain which felt right as soon as she took a test ride.

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